IFTAPlus not only prepares your IFTA fuel tax returns, but allows you to prepare your New York HUT, Kentucky WD, and New Mexico WD returns, all for one price. We can also prepare late IFTA returns.
How it works?
Collect your miles driven and gallons purchased
Enter your data into IFTAPlus
Print your completed retrun
See how IFTAPlus works.
IFTAPlus offers the most benefit for IFTA preparation
IFTAPlus not only prepares your IFTA fuel tax returns, but allows you to prepare your New York HUT, Kentucky WD, and New Mexico WD returns, all for one price. We can also prepare late IFTA returns.
IFTAPlus stores your fuel, miles, and prepared returns. All of your IFTA returns, as well as your miles and fuel, can be accessed anytime from any computer.
Most other IFTA software tools produce a generic report that you must transfer by hand to your state return. IFTAPlus prepares your official state IFTA fuel tax return in seconds.
Want to save an average of 17 cents per gallon and have all your fuel automatically imported into IFTAPlus? We can do that.
Track miles and fuel in real time while on the road.
How IFTAPlus is helping trucking companies of all sizes